The Sakura Singers is open to anyone interested in singing Japanese songs. There is no audition.We extend our cordial welcome to all those interested in singing. We are a mixed voice chorus (soprano, alto, tenor & bass) singing primarily Japanese songs. Occasionally, we present women's chorus as well as men's chorus.
This unique chorus has introduced Japanese songs at commemorative ceremonies, community functions, and has also performed at hospitals and senior homes.The group has gone on tour and has held biennial concerts.The Sakura Singers' repertoire, mainly for mixed voice songs and choral suites, as well as folk songs, covers more than 250 Japanese songs. The Sakura Singers continue to introduce Japanese culture to Canadian communities with songs of hospitality and congenial greetings in its endeavour to promote good will and mutual understanding.
The Sakura Singer Society is indebted to the late Mr. Takayoshi and Mrs. Hoshiko Furumoto for a generous bequeathal to the Society. Resting on their generous gift as a foundation, the Society upon its inauguration in 2006, has embarked on establishing an Endowment Fund as a legacy fund, into which future monetary donations can be added. Resources from the fund will be used to promote the enjoyment of Japanese songs and a better understanding and appreciation by all Canadians pertaining to Japanese Canadian culture.
Upcoming Event.
April 13, 2024 12:45PM
Performance at
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
VanDusen BotanicalGarden
5251 Oak Street
May 11, 2024 2:00PM
Bi annual Concert
54th Anniversary
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
949 West 49th Ave., Vancouver
Free Admission
Donations appreciated